SDG&E Green Button Data Download Instructions

Sunline Energy

If you are an Southern California Edison Customer please visit Share My Data for instructions.
Green button data instruction Sunline Energy Step 1

Step 1.

Go to SDG&E website: and login using User ID & Password

Step 2.

On your ‘Dashboard’ click on ‘Usage’

Green button data instruction Sunline Energy Step 2
Green Button Data Usage

Step 3.

Make sure you have the correct ‘Account’ selected.

Scroll to the ‘Green Button Download’ icon and click on it.

Step 4.

Set the date range (ideally you want 365 days of recent data. For example if the current date is July 13, 2023, end with the previous day’s date of July 12, 2023.  Then select the date range July 12, 2022 – July 12, 2023 (one year range).

If you do not have 12 months of service, select the earliest possible ‘From’ date

Make sure the ‘.csv‘ format is selected, then click the ‘Download’ button.

Green Button Data Date Range
Green button data instruction Sunline Energy Step 6

Step 5.

Once the data has been downloaded, you should see a ‘Success’ prompt.

Step 6.

The ‘.csv file will download in a compressed file format.

Please email a copy of your green button data to

Downloaded csv file
For instructions on downloading Usage Data in Excel format, Click Here.
If you are having issues please contact us at (858) 252-2280 for further assistance.