As San Diego solar installers, we have it pretty good.

We work with a technology that practically sells itself.

Even better, we operate within a region of the country that offers unbelievably attractive incentives.  We’re talking about “free” money from the government and utility companies.

But as awesome as solar is, there are still many fence-sitters out there.  People who don’t fully appreciate the financial and environmental benefits of installing photovoltaic (PV) panels on their properties.

  • Perhaps they believe going solar is too expensive. 
  • Or maybe they live in apartments or rented office spaces.  Unless you own the property, you can’t install solar panels.  Although this is also changing. 

Are you a fence-sitter who doesn’t fall into either of the above categories?  If so, then read on.

Technology A vs. Technology B

Imagine if a space alien came up to you and offered you 1 of 2 different power generation technologies – A and B.

This alien tells you the following:

1.  Cost
Technology A is more expensive than Technology B.

In fact, the difference in pricing grows larger each and every year.

In 2013 alone, Technology A became 12% to 40% more expensive than it was before.

By contrast, Technology B continues to fall in price.

Moreover, 6 years from now, Technology B will have fully paid for itself.  All the power generated thereafter is 100% free for you to use.

Technology A will never pay for itself.  You must keep paying money to use it – forever.

2.  The Environment
Technology A is killing the planet – exponentially.  In addition, you, your kids, and your kids’ kids will develop health complications as a result.

Technology B is saving the planet.  It helps to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and it draws its power from a clean and infinitely renewable energy source.

3.  Savings
Technology A takes money out of your wallet every month (forever and ever and ever).

Technology B puts money into your wallet every month (starting now and for the next 25 to 40 years).

4.  Job Creation
Both Technologies create jobs.  The difference?

  • Technology A creates jobs overseas (for the most part)
  • Technology B creates tons of green jobs right here at home

5.  Energy Security
Technology A forces America to rely on foreign countries – many of whom don’t like the US.

Technology B makes the United States more independent – and safer.

Which Technology Would You Choose?

If presented with all of the above, which technology would you choose?

  • The costlier, dirtier one that makes us less secure and destroys the planet?
  • The cheaper, greener, more profitable one that strengthens the economy and saves the planet?

If you picked Technology B – you chose solar energy.

So what are you waiting for?

Contact us today for a free solar quote and at-home inspection.  You pay absolutely nothing to begin exploring your solar options. Sunline Energy has installed thousands of solar energy systems around San Diego County. Contact us today!