San Diego’s solar industry is a victim of its own success.

San Diego County and California both offer a range of attractive green incentives designed to boost solar adoption.  But these tax credit, rebate, and grant programs have enjoyed such widespread popularity that many of them are running out of money.

In fact, SDG&E and PG&E have already stopped accepting residential applications for their respective solar rebate programs.  And net metering could undergo major changes within the year if utilities have their way.

But even with expiring incentives, the economics of solar are still difficult to ignore.  With rising utility rates and falling solar panel prices, even a modestly sized installation can reduce your electricity bill substantially – sometimes to $0 a month or less.

With or without supportive green policies, solar is a technology that pays for itself.  Incentives merely reduce the upfront costs and shorten the payback period.

What These Expiring Incentives Mean for Your Solar San Diego Dreams?

1-by-1, San Diego’s solar incentives are expiring or undergoing radical changes.

But what does this mean for you and your aspirations of harnessing free and clean energy from the sun?

It means that “NOW” is the best time to act.

With many of these solar programs, older customers will get “grandfathered” in – even if city and state officials stop accepting new applications.

In other words, by applying for any and all relevant solar incentives today, you stand the best chance of reducing the upfront cost of your solar photovoltaic (PV) installation.  If you wait too long, you’re merely increasing the likelihood of having to finance your solar panels 100% out of pocket.

Need more motivation to act now?

Well – consider that grid electricity prices have risen between 12% and 40% in this year alone.  Next year, they’ll go up even more.  And the year after, you can expect even larger price hikes.

By installing solar panels on your San Diego property today, you protect yourself from these increasingly expensive grid electricity rates.  This is actually one of the primary selling points of solar technology.  While fossil fuel costs continue to go up, energy from the sun remains consistently free.

Don’t Delay.  Request a Free Solar San Diego Quote Today

Incentives.  Electricity Bills.  Rebates.  Payback Periods.  There’s a lot to think about.

Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate the solar landscape on your own.  At Sunline Energy, we’ll hold your hand every step of the way.

All you have to do is request a free solar quote from us today.  We’ll send a survey team to analyze your property’s solar potential and walk you through all of the financing options, payback periods, and electricity bill savings.

This free on-site survey carries absolutely zero obligation.  You don’t pay a dime, and you don’t have to sign any contracts.

Once we’re done with our analysis, you’ll have all the information you need to determine if solar is a good fit for your energy goals.

Zero risk and nothing to lose.  So contact us today for your free quote – before all the great solar incentives run out.



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