At Sunline Energy, we frequently blog about San Diego’s net metering program.

  • In some posts, we briefly mention the terrific benefits that this program offers.
  • In other posts, we explore the dangers of discontinuing net metering (which is a real possibility, unfortunately).

But we still receive questions from users about how net metering actually works – and how it affects San Diego’s solar power industry.

So that’s with this post will be about.

How Net Metering Works in San Diego

Net metering is just one of several green incentives designed to boost San Diego’s solar power market.

Under this program, solar installation owners can sell excess clean electricity into the utility grid at a profit.

This means that:

  • during the day (when your solar panels are operating at full capacity), you can send any unused power into the grid
  • at night (when your solar panels stop operating), you can buy back the electricity you need from the utility grid

At the end of each billing cycle, you’re only responsible for the net difference in electricity created and consumed.

  • For most businesses and homeowners, this means very very small electricity bills.
  • For many lucky solar installation owners, this means $0 electricity bills.
  • And for a tiny portion of exceptionally lucky solar users, this means negative electricity bills.  In other words, the utility company owes them money (or more commonly, owes them credits that roll over every billing cycle).

Making the Most of Your San Diego Solar Installation w/ Net Metering

For most solar customers, the goal is to move their electricity bills as close to $0 and beyond as possible.

This is doable if you have a large enough solar installation – or – if you adopt the solar ROI strategies explained here, here, and here.

But what’s the point of having a negative electricity bill?

After all, if the utility company keeps crediting your account every month, you don’t actually pocket any money.  For all intents and purposes, having a negative electricity bill is the same thing as having a $0 electricity bill.

What should you do with all of those extra credits and spare solar capacity?

You basically have 2 options.

Option 1: move your entire home off of gas.  If you have a gas furnace, stove, or water heater, it’s worth replacing these with electric systems instead.

Option 2: buy an electric vehicle (EV) to replace your gas guzzler.  As discussed in a previous post, many Californians use solar energy to charge their EVs.  This is not only better for the environment, but it’s also better for your wallet.

Both of the above options are wise investments.  They make optimal use of spare solar capacity (and utility credits).  And they also reduce your gasoline and/or natural gas spending.

Are you ready to begin boosting your savings and protecting the environment?

We’re happy to help you make the transition to a more affordable and sustainable lifestyle.  Contact us today to learn how you can begin receiving negative electricity bills from the utility company every month.

All consultations are 100% free.  So send us a quick email – before San Diego’s net metering program expires.