A few weeks ago, we wrote about one of our favorite San Diego solar myths.  A surprising number of people wrongly believe that solar energy simply isn’t powerful enough.

This obviously isn’t true – not by a long shot.

For starters, enough clean and free sunshine hits planet Earth every hour to cover the electricity needs of the entire world for a full-year.  In other words, there is more than enough solar potential all over the globe to take care of our energy needs.

But we don’t need to travel the planet in order to verify this.

At Sunline Energy, we help hundreds of homeowners and businesses reduce their monthly electricity bills to $0 (sometimes even more).  And that’s just in sunny San Diego.  The same is true in less sunny regions like Ontario, Germany, and Japan – where solar installers are helping customers reduce their bills and their carbon footprints.

San Diego Solar Strong Enough to Sail the Seven Seas?

Solar is powerful.  And if you need more proof, just check out this article.  American high schoolers are harnessing solar energy to power boats (you read that correctly – not radios or televisions… actual boats).

And we’re not talking about experienced scientists here.  These are young men and women who are still studying algebra, Shakespeare, and intro biology.

The 12th annual Solar Cup begins Friday, May 16 and lasts until Sunday, May 18.  When the races first started back in 2002, there were only 8 teams.  This year, there are 40.

Over the 3-day event, there will be endurance races (up to and including 1 mile) and speed races (using solar batteries to carry boats across 200m sprints).

And one of the teams is from our very own San Diego (charter school, High Tech High North County).

Is Solar Powerful Enough for You?

Now really think about that for a second.  If a bunch of high schoolers can power their boats with solar panels, then surely the technology is robust enough to keep your lights, TVs, and refrigerators running.  After all, boat fuel is highly combustible and energy-dense.  In order to switch over to solar panels, sunshine has to be pretty powerful.

So the next time you hear someone say that “solar energy isn’t strong enough,” have them read this article.  Show them that even high school students can understand, appreciate, and even harness sunshine to do some pretty incredible things.

That solar energy is both cheaper and cleaner than fossil fuel – this is just icing on the cake.

If you’d like to learn more about how incredibly awesome solar energy is, contact us for a free quote.  It costs you nothing to begin exploring your solar options.