San Diego is quickly becoming a major solar market, with new installations cropping up every day.  It’s a beautiful sight – all of those silent, glistening panels generating clean electricity for their lucky owners.

But despite our city’s unprecedented growth in solar capacity, the majority of homes and businesses still get their electricity from dirtier fuel sources (i.e. oil, gas, and coal).  Many of them are eager to make the transition but have no idea where to begin or even what questions to ask.

In upcoming posts, we’ll cover important topics like:

  • picking the right solar power system
  • qualifying for the best green incentives
  • getting the most out of your solar installation

But today, we wanted to tackle the most important step in your transition to a cleaner, sun-powered lifestyle – finding a reputable San Diego solar contractor to handle your installation.

The difficulty is that there are so many solar contractors in San Diego area.  The choices are overwhelming.  How do you whittle down this pool into a more manageable list?

Well, we recommend asking the 3 following questions.  This will make your life infinitely easier.

1.  Is Your San Diego Solar Contractor Licensed?

This is probably the most important factor when picking out an installer for your solar photovoltaic (PV) system.  We’ve covered this topic in an earlier post, but very quickly:

  • If your solar contractor isn’t licensed, your installation may not qualify for financing, incentives, or grid connectivity
  • If your solar contractor isn’t properly trained, you face a higher risk of shoddy workmanship, system failure, and property damage

So the very first question you should ask any San Diego solar contractor is, “Are your installers NABCEP-certified, and are your electricians licensed?”

2.  Is Your San Diego Solar Contractor Experienced?

We all have to start somewhere.  Every solar installer on the planet was a complete novice at some point – and had to gain experience over weeks, months, or years of practice.


      • Do you really want your home to be the training ground for inexperienced hands?
      • Do you want your business to be the guinea pig so that some newbie can learn the ropes?

If you answered “no” than stick with solar contractors who have already installed PV systems and developed a loyal following of satisfied customers.

Ask for referrals, examples, and verifiable testimonials from any San Diego solar contractor that you’re seriously considering.  Remember that despite falling panel prices, solar is still a sizeable investment.  Why take chances?

3.  Is Your San Diego Solar Contractor Really from Around Here?

We’ve covered this topic as well – the benefits of hiring local solar contractors over national ones.  In quick order:

        • Local contractors understand local “solar” conditions, including sunsets, sunrises, and seasonal fluctuations
        • Local solar contractors understand local incentives, including rebates, tax credits, SRECs, and financing options
        • Local solar contractors are better able to provide ongoing maintenance and monitoring.  No new faces.  No outsourcing.

This is not to say that larger solar installers can’t provide high quality service.  Many do.  But if you go national, it’s harder to find a contractor who truly understands the unique challenges and opportunities specific to San Diego.  There’s more homework involved.

As you shop around for reliable San Diego solar contractors, please keep us in mind.  Our goal is to minimize your homework and make your solar transition as easy, enjoyable, and affordable as possible.

Contact us today for a free consultation.