The first hurdle for most solar customers is deciding whether or not to install panels in the first place.  Those who carefully look at the environmental and financial benefits usually decide to move forward.

The next big challenge involves finding a reputable installer in a sea of San Diego solar companies.


But is there a way to “officially” rank solar installers?  Like a rating agency or regulatory body?

Unfortunately, there isn’t.  There should be….  But there isn’t.

There exist tons of “unofficial” ways to rank potential candidates.  In San Diego, Yelp is extremely popular.  And if you take a quick look, you’ll see that Sunline Energy has more 5-star reviews than any other installer in the area.

You can also minimize the list of options by disqualifying any solar installers who aren’t NABCEP-certified.  This accreditation isn’t an automatic stamp of approval.  But the absence of NABCEP-certification should sound off alarm bells.

So what can you do?  How do you navigate a sea of options when there is no regulatory body to help?

Well, you could always hire us – no questions asked (we won’t be mad).

But if you’re serious about getting the highest quality workmanship with the best parts at the lowest price, you’ll probably want to invest a little more time and effort.

Here’s what we recommend.

Request More Solar Quotes Than You Really Need

Most solar consultations and evaluations are 100% free.  Solar installers typically don’t charge for this service (avoid those who do).

So your best bet is to request as many solar quotes as possible.  3 will do.  10 is even better.  You have nothing to lose except time.

After these appointments, you’ll receive detailed proposals from each of the solar companies on your list (also free of charge – usually).

This tells you the price.  But you don’t know about quality.

No worries.

Just ask each installer to put you in touch with a past client whose property is similar to your own.

For example, if you’re a gas station owner, you want to only talk with other gas station owners.  And if you live in a ranch house, you want to speak with other solar customers who also live in ranch houses.

The goal here is to compare like with like.  This helps you better understand workmanship and service.

The last piece of the puzzle is solar parts (i.e. solar components).  This is easy to fix since you can simply research components online.  If a solar installer recommends the Acme Inverter or the Zenith Panel, you just go online and read past reviews.

Time to Begin Researching San Diego Solar Companies

Maybe one day, there will be an official, impartial rating agency for San Diego’s solar industry.  That’d be great.

Until then, we recommend following these steps:

  • Step 1: Request a ton of solar quotes (for pricing information)
  • Step 2: Talk with past clients (to verify workmanship & service)
  • Step 3: Research parts online (to receive the best components)

Ready to begin?

Just request a free solar quote from us today (and do the same with other San Diego solar installers on your list).  We’re confident that you’ll be impressed with our attention to detail, pricing, and passion.