by admin | May 1, 2014 | Blog, San Diego Solar, Sunline Energy News & Information
Have you ever delayed a purchase because you knew that the item would be cheaper if you waited? We do this a lot with consumer electronics – especially iPhones and computers. We know that next week or next month, there will be a cheaper, faster, or better model. And...
by admin | Apr 30, 2014 | Blog, San Diego Solar, Solar Energy News
Most people tend to be cost-conscious. A few of the more enlightened among us are value-conscious. But when it comes to solar energy, we encourage our customers to become ROI-conscious. This is because the solar payback period of your installation is the single most...
by admin | Apr 28, 2014 | Blog, San Diego, San Diego Solar, Sunline Energy News & Information
2013 was a banner year for America’s solar industry. And nowhere was this more apparent than in our very own County: In 2012, the total number of San Diego solar power installations peaked at 10,700. In 2013, the total number of new local installations soared to...
by admin | Apr 25, 2014 | Blog, San Diego Solar, Sunline Energy News & Information
Here’s a popular complaint we hear from perspective customers – “solar panels pollute.” It’s a common San Diego solar power myth, and we’re here to clear up any misconceptions (if you’d like to read more “debunked” solar...
by admin | Apr 24, 2014 | Blog, Sunline Energy News & Information
Welcome back to our ongoing series on some of the most popular San Diego solar power myths. Today’s is a fun one that we love to hear (because it’s so easy to prove wrong). The Myth: Going solar is a hassle. Many homeowners and business owners believe...