Have you ever heard (or thought) any of the following:

  • Solar panels will make my house look ugly
  • Solar will hurt the resale value of my home
  • Solar panels look tacky and crude

Welcome to Part 8 of our ongoing series on San Diego solar power myths.

Today’s myth (i.e. solar is ugly) isn’t really a myth at all.  It’s more of a subjective opinion with very strong supporters on both sides of the aisle.  At Sunline Energy, we happen to believe that solar panels are beautiful – especially when you understand what these silent energy-generation modules can do for your:

  • bank account
  • local community
  • sense of purpose

Let’s review.

Why This San Diego Solar Power Myth Is Becoming Less True

Some solar panels actually are ugly.  We won’t deny it.

But modern solar installations come in a wide range of fashions, colors, and flavors.  In addition to standard black or blue panels, you can also buy “solar shingles” – photovoltaic (PV) modules that look exactly like roof tiles.

And depending on the orientation of your home, you may be able to install panels on the back of your house, completely hidden from the street.  Some San Diego solar customers also opt for ground-mounted systems in their backyards (also hidden from view).

So if you’re worried about aesthetics, we may be able to provide you with several cosmetically pleasing options.

But if you keep reading, there’s a good chance you might actually grow to love the sight of solar panels.

The Real Beauty Is in What Solar Represents

You know what isn’t ugly?  Having a fatter bank account.  And this is the true beauty of solar.  When you install panels on your rooftop, you enjoy instant utility bill savings from Day 1 – and for the next 25 to 40 years.

Having more cash is always a good thing, and many will regard you as a financial guru for making such a wise investment.

And there’s also the added benefit of knowing that you’re a community leader who has taken proactive steps to protect the environment and save the planet for future generations.  You’re part of the “in” crowd, and you absolutely, positively will get “looks” as neighbors view your property with a mix of envy, admiration, and curiosity.

You’re also making a valuable trade-off.  You’re making the neighborhood less ugly by helping to reduce some of the pollution from the air.  In addition to being expensive, grid electricity is also dirty.  But with panels on your rooftop, you’re opting out of the game.  Just sit back and relax while the rest of the block tries to catch up.

And you know who doesn’t think solar panels are ugly?

The next family to buy your home.  They’ll think your solar installation is positively beautiful.

It’s true:

  • According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), solar installations can dramatically improve the property value of your home.  For every $1 in annual electricity bill savings, the resale value of your home rises an average of $20.
  • And according to the Department of Energy, solar-enabled homes sell twice as quickly as standard homes.

There’s a lot of beauty in those 2 statements.

Ready to Bring a Little Sunshine into Your Home?

Lower bills.  Cleaner community.  Greener planet.  Thought leadership.  Aesthetically pleasing designs.  Being the envy of your neighborhood.

From where we sit, solar looks pretty fantastic.  Silent and unobtrusive – your panels offer a number of financial and environmental benefits that are too powerful to ignore.

Don’t believe us?

Put us to the test.  Request a free solar quote today, and just take a casual look at the different design options we have for people who still believe that solar is “unattractive.”  We’re 100% confident that you won’t be disappointed.

And be sure to tune in tomorrow when we tackle the next San Diego solar energy myth on our list.